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Satisfaction with the degree choice, study self-regulation and social adaptation within the university are some of the variables that are most important when studying the dropout intention.

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Various variables have been studied in order to understand why this problem occurs. University dropout is a phenomenon of growing interest due to the high financial costs that it involves for both families and states. It will assist the government and urban planners in choosing a clear strategy and platform for developing each individual village to be sustainable and applicable.

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The final output is a map showing different categories of villages. As each village has its own characteristics from the urban planning perspective, therefore this research explains a method for categorization of villages through multi-criteria decision analysis seven potential criteria were identified and rated in collaboration with experts, and Super Decision software was used as an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) tool to weight the criteria. Due to smoothly implementing the master plan and supporting the existing villages, it was necessary to prepare village development plans. There were already 54 villages that existed there. In 2006, to decrease the pressure from existing Kabul and take measurements for future urbanization process, an independent board was established for the development of a new city adjacent to the existing Kabul by the name of Kabul New City (KNC). With the rapid increase of population, typical urban problems such as lowering of the groundwater table, an influx of returnees, traffic jams, deterioration of sanitation, etc., are becoming critical. Kabul is experiencing the most powerful wave of urbanization in its history.

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