Results As the result of this study Moreover it is discovered that there is an effective explanatory among thinking approach, avoidance approach, evaluator approach, self-confident approach and planned approach from sub-dimensions of the automatic thoughts skills and problem-solving skills (p<0.05). Petersen (1982) and adjusted to Turkish by Savaşır and Şahin (1997) and Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire developed by Hollon and Kendall (1980) and adjusted to Turkish by Şahin and Şahin (1992) are used. To reach the aim of this research Problem-solving Inventory (PSI) developed by P.P. Method Research stuff is consisted of 196 male and 146 female ( age=19,3713 + 1,6968) and totally 342 students studying at Selçuk University, İnönü University, Gazi University and Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Physical Education and Sports Academy.

For this reason in this research problem solving and automatic thoughts skills of the students studying at physical education and sports academy are aimed to be investigated. Introduction It is important that negative automatic thoughts and problem solving skills of the students studying at physical education and sports academy be examined out of their tasks such as being a good model in future, educating a qualified student and developing creativity.