U s arms abilene
U s arms abilene

u s arms abilene

On the one hand that’s a shame, because these really are superb revolvers. Now they go cheap because nobody remembers what they are. Though mostly forgotten now, in their day these were a top-quality premium revolver. Production stopped when the parts on hand ran out, and the Abilene faded into the past. They continued producing the Abilene from parts on hand, and people immediately began noticing quality-control issues. Unfortunately U.S.Arms did not prosper, and in 1980 Mossberg’s AIG division bought them out. In 1972 Sig Himmelmann founded United States Arms and designed the Abilene revolver.  United Sporting Arms and United States Arms were originally one company, but in 1977 the company split, with United sporting arms producing the Seville, and United States Arms producing the Abilene. In the 70’s and 80’s long range silhouette shooting was the big game. Moreover these guns were popular with silhouette shooters for their accuracy and durability. 002 inches, and when you cock it the clicks are super-sharp and almost musical. It’s in remarkably good condition- the finish looks like it’s made out of black glass, there is no end-play and the cylinder locks up super-tight. 44 Magnum with a 7-1/2″ ported bull-barrel. Nope- first time I walked into Pinto’s there it was- a US Arms Abilene. The budget was, as always, limited so I expected a long search for something cheap enough but suitable. 44 Magnum.Ī couple of years ago I went looking. A handgun seemed a natural choice for the conditions, so I decided it was time to get another. The property I hunt has a lot of brush and heavy cover- typical shots are 7-20 yards and you almost never get a shot over fifty yards. Times change though- I’ve taken up reloading and am hunting again. I didn’t reload, I wasn’t hunting and commercial ammo had gotten too bloody expensive to shoot them for pleasure.

u s arms abilene

One minute you are laughing and the next minute you realize that the Holy Spirit just spoke and you have an “aha” moment that will stay with you forever.Years back I got out of. This is what Shannon does! She has an amazing way of connecting the pieces while sharing some of the funniest yet applicable personal stories you have ever heard. Many people have several pieces of the puzzle, yet they have no idea how it all fits together in the greatest love story ever told. Shannon uses her divine knowledge of Scripture to put the story back together again. This is exactly how the Bible was passed down for generations yet today people seem to believe that the Bible is a list of do’s and don’ts instead of a beautiful story of love, betrayal, forgiveness and redemption. Much of our heritage is learned through the passing down of stories. Stories around the supper table are some of the best moments in life and are the times we best come to know these people we call family. From the moment we could sit still in our mother’s arms, we have loved stories.

U s arms abilene