John shows how the Soul sets out to leave all worldly ties and appetites behind to achieve "nothing less than transformation in God." The work is divided into three sections and is set out as a commentary on four poetic stanzas by John on the subject of the Dark Night. Written between 15 in Granada, Spain, after his escape from prison, the Ascent is illustrated by a diagram of the process outlined in the text of the Soul's progress to the summit of the metaphorical Mount Carmel where God is encountered. It is regarded as some of the greatest works both in Christian mysticism and in the Spanish language.

The book is a systematic treatment of the ascetical life in pursuit of mystical union with Christ, giving advice and reporting on his own experience. "Ascent of Mount Carmel" is a 16th-century spiritual treatise by Spanish Catholic mystic and poet Saint John of the Cross. Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software.

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